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The Foil Wrapped Roasting Method Revealed
Most of our recipes are based on the "Foil Wrapped Method" of preparing and roasting a Turkey.Wrapping and…
Green Shopping Tips For The Holidays
Holiday gift giving has changed quite a bit over the last few years, people have less money to spend and…
Best Sugar Cookie Recipe?
There is nothing like a great sugar cookie recipe. Don't buy the roll of Pillsbury Dough, you can make a superb…
Kwanzaa Party Menu Ideas for a Bright and Vibrant Kwanzaa Celebration
Kwanzaa is an African holiday celebrated during December. The holiday involves much food, dancing, and poetry…
3 Mouth-Watering Healthy Desserts For Kids
If your child were in charge of your daily meals, all you would have are desserts like cake, ice cream and candy.…
Pumpkin Bread – 5 Common Mistakes With Pumpkin Bread Recipes
Baking pumpkin bread is easy. You might not have done so good with baking bread lately. I want to show you how to…
Christmas Gifts and Ideas for Festive Spirits
We all want to cherish these beautiful moments and make them the memorable especially this time of the year.…
Fun Christmas Facts – The History of Gingerbread Men
Gingerbread has been around for a long time, but the recipes used to make it have changed considerably over the…
Kris Kringle Popcorn Snack for Christmas
Snack mixes are always fun to eat, but they are easy to put together too. This wonderful popcorn mix is no…
Easy Entertaining – Frugal Holiday Entertaining
One aspect to take into consideration when entertaining is the financial cost. If you aren't careful, expenses…